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article is intended to provide individuals with general information
pertaining to arson statistics. |
Arson is a crime
punishable in a court of law, irregardless of the motive behind it, be
it revenge, peer-pressured vandalism, criminal concealment, insurance
fraud, extreme activists, or simple boredom. According to arson statistics
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an estimated 16,163 individuals
were arrested for arson in 2003 - 84.4% were male and 50.8% were under
the age of 18, an alarming 31.2% of which were under the age of 15 (Federal
Bureau of Investigation - Press Release). The number of arson crimes has
increased in recent years with statistics reflecting arrests totaling
16,582 in 2006, a rise of 3% from 2003 (FBI- Crime in the United States
2006). Preliminary crime reports for the first half of 2007 should be
released in late 2008. While it is difficult to determine how often arson
occurs nationwide, in the state of California, in 2005, the crime occurred
on average every 43 minutes.
recently, a spike in the foreclosure rate has raised fear in many insurance
companies that clients might see arson as an escape from overwhelming
debts. In a report from the Coalition against Insurance Fraud, it was
noted that “with untold thousands of homeowners struggling with
ballooning sub-prime mortgage payments, fraud fighters are watching closely
for a spike in arsons by desperate homeowners who can no longer afford
their home payments.” An example of such a case occurred in Russellville,
Indiana, whereby Christina Snyder allegedly approached her neighbor and
propositioned her with a $5,000 payoff if she would help burn down her
house, while making it look like an attempted rape and arson. The neighbor
declined and reported Snyder to the police. The claim would have paid
out $80,000. Authorities are on the alert, as are insurance companies,
for arson-related insurance fraud.
Current Punishment
Procedures in the United States
Most often, fires are set during the night, making it difficult
for investigators to find an eye witness. Nonetheless, many arson cases
are solved and brought to trial, even though bringing justice against
these criminals is not easy without sound and irrevocable proof. The punishment
for such crimes varies from state to state, and the graveness of the crime
is taken into consideration. Though extremely rare, some states will implement
capital punishment if the arson case involves the death of a victim. The
most common sentence is on average 7 years, but if the property involved
occupied residential homes, the sentence can entail an average of 20 years
or more.
Arson Statistics
reflecting the number of fires, deaths, and
dollar loss by year:
Year |
Fires |
Deaths |
Dollar Loss (in millions) |
1997 |
78,500 |
445 |
$1,309 |
1998 |
76,000 |
470 |
$1249 |
1999 |
72,000 |
370 |
$1281 |
2000 |
75,000 |
505 |
$1,340 |
(1) |
45,500 |
330 |
$1,013 |
(2) |
-- |
2451 |
$33,440 |
2002 |
44,500 |
350 |
$919 |
2003 |
37,500 |
305 |
$692 |
2004 |
36,500 |
320 |
$714 |
2005 |
31,500 |
315 |
$664 |
2006 |
31,000 |
305 |
$755 |
Source: USFA Arson Fire Statistics
(1) Statistics exclude the events of September 11, 2001
(2) Statistics reflect the number of fires, deaths, and dollar loss directly
related to the events of September 11, 2001
by John Manley
Having experienced 2 house fires,
John Manley now devotes some of his spare time
educating people about the importance of having
fire extinguishers, CO and fire alarms, and
proper escape plans though the website: Fire
Extinguisher: 101 -