Fire Extinguisher : 101

Fire Extinguisher : 101


About Fire Extinguishers
Using a Fire Extinguisher
Fire Prevention
Fire Hazards
First Aid for Fire
Financial Protection
Biggest Fires in History

This site was voted:
Fantastic Fire Safety Website
(scroll to 74 on the list)


U.S. Fire Administration - Everything you need to know about a fire safe environment.

Sparky, the Fire Dog - A great site for children. Here they can play games while learning important saftey tips.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - A guide to preventing carbon monoxide poisoning and tips on recognizing the symptoms.

How Stuff Works - Everything you need to know about how a fire extinguisher works.

Fireproof Safe - KL Security offers the best fire safe and fireproof file cabinets for Banks, Schools, Data Backup and GSA Approved Applications.

National Fire Protection Association - The authority on fire, electrical, and building safety.

Society of Fire Protection Engineers - The Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) is a professional society for fire protection engineering established in 1950.

Fire Science Online - An organization dedicated to providing career and education information for the Fire Science community.



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