Fire Extinguisher : 101

Fire Extinguisher : 101


About Fire Extinguishers
Using a Fire Extinguisher
Fire Prevention
Fire Hazards
First Aid for Fire
Financial Protection
Biggest Fires in History

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The following articles were written by John Manley
Having experienced 2 house fires, John Manley now devotes some of his spare time educating people about the importance of having fire extinguishers, CO and fire alarms, and proper escape plans though the website: Fire Extinguisher: 101 -

The Comeback of Fire Extinguishing Balls and their Benefits - Intended to provide individuals with information about how fire extinguishing balls are used to extinugish fires.

The Basics of Firefighter Training - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to the basics of fire fighting.

Examining the Basics of Fire Sprinkler Systems - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to protecting your home against fire with a fire sprinkler system.

Kitchen Fire Safety 101 - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to kitchen fire safety, causes, safety must-haves, and fire prevention tips.

Wildfire Protection for You and Your Home - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to wildfire protection and preparation measures to help protect yourself and your home in the event of a wildfire.

Garden Torch Candles Defined - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to the dangers and fire risks associated with garden torch candles.

Arson Statistics: Who is setting the fires and how often does arson occur? - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to arson statistics.

Top Key Tips to Filing a Fire Insurance Claim - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to filing fire insurance claims.

Holiday Fire Safety - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to holiday fire safety.

Fire Safe Cigarettes Save Lives - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to how fire safe cigarettes save lives.

Understanding Electrical Fire Safety - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to electrical fire safety warnngs and precautions.

Wildfire Prevention Tips: Protect your Home and Property - Intended to provide individuals with general information pertaining to wildfire prevention and ensure the safety of your house and property.

Wood Fire Safety 101 - Intended to provide individuals with general tips about fire safety when installing alternative heating systems.



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